Coastal Farmhouse
Construction Progress
South Elevation Sketch
North Elevation Sketch
Coastal Farmhouse
Coastal Farmhouse

Perched on the rocky, west facing coast of a Maine peninsula, this 2 bedroom home was designed to maximize both views of the harbor and solar gain for passive heating and a capable photo-voltaic array. By orienting the house diagonally to the coastline and interior elements toward the southwest corner, the home is able to have natural light throughout the day without a compromise in views from the interior. A covered breezeway connects the house to the garage and serves as the primary entrance, offering occupants and guests a view of the water before entering. Additionally, the breezeway enables a 30 degree shift in orientation to the south for the solar panels mounted to the garage roof, maximizing their efficiency.  Designed while employed at Fine Lines Construction.

Construction Progress
Construction Progress

West elevation view from water

South Elevation Sketch
South Elevation Sketch
North Elevation Sketch
North Elevation Sketch